Thursday, June 9, 2011

family; we may not like them but we LOVE them :)

What does family mean? well I could go into the whole literal sense but of course that would bore you, and me, so I'm not going to pull out a dictionary.  To many of us, as for myself it means two parents who have been together for 23 years, however to some it may have been the same parents together for a couple years, and your Mother remarried, and then you were separated amongst parents and the cycle repeated a couple times there after, or even an ex of mine his parents died when he was very young, and had to fend for himself.

 We each have a family, whether its what we define for ourselves.  Personally I take advantage of family, as many of us probably dont really appreciate a simply phone call, and as silly as it may be, a text message from a loved one saying; 'I love you, see you tomorrow, or can't wait to see you at dinner.' And I was once told by an ex of mine, that we seldolmly appreciate the now, pretty easy to understand right? We all go through our day, and spend time with a brother or sister, or Mother or Father, and just live our day, as if tomorrow will be there, and he always told me, take a moment and pull yourself outside the equation and be appreciative that your family first and foremost chooses to take an hour, 15 mins, or even the 5 thumb presses it takes to send an "ily" text message once a day, because, truth be told not many of us really do think and say, tomorrow that person could be killed in a car crash, and its become quite evident to me, that life is too short to fully absorb.  After all there's enough beauty on this earth to appreciate, and write about and understand and translate into a concept, or an idea based on wisdom, or spirituality and then bring it back to yourself and what it means to you, (if your that kind of thinker) let alone put things into perspective about family.

The title of my blog is;  'Family; We may not like them but we LOVE them" is gathered from arguments our of nowhere that I have with my parents and honestly it doesn't really matter what happens in our day, or how pissed off someone can make us because in the end family is family, and through thick and thin they will always be there for us.  After being kicked out of my parents house, god, at least 6 times in the past year and struggling on a daily basis with a meth addiction that ever time I look at my veins I'm constantly reminded of how wrapped up I allowed it to be, my parents are the ones who, sent me the text message saying, are you coming home, I hope your alright, when I was strung out on meth to the point where, honestly, by God's grace I'm here today writing it, they are the ones who were there for me, and knew when I came home and slept for three days I was coming down.  All in all family is family, and never forget that :)

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